Your Kaizo Tier is

{{ player.kaizo.amount }}κ

Because of Kaizo Penalty, your points are rooted by

{{ format(game.kaizo_penalty.points,3) }}


To unlock, must have {{ KAIZO.symbols[i-1] }}1 and {{ KAIZO.perk_map[i].bought - 1 }} previous Perks, follow conditions above.
You have

{{ player.kaizo.unspent }}

Kaizo Perks. You cannot buy and sell Perks while playing Kaizo.

Kaizo Incremental Prototype v0.1 - by MrRedShark77
Inspired by Rapture 30.
You have

{{ game.currencies.points.format() }}

{{ game.currencies.points.formatGain() }} Points.
You have

{{ game.currencies.prestige.format() }}

{{ game.currencies.prestige.formatGain() }} Prestige Points.
Which boosts points by

{{ formatMult(game.prestige_boost) }}

You have

{{ game.currencies.powers.format() }}

{{ game.currencies.powers.formatGain() }} Powers{{ format(game.power_exponent) }}.
Which boosts points by

{{ formatMult(game.power_boost) }}


Point Dimension #{{ x }}

{{ formatMult(game.point_dimensions[x-1].multiplier) }}
{{ game.point_dimensions[x-1].amount.format(0) }} {{ game.point_dimensions[x-1].amount.formatGain(game.point_dimensions[x-1].gain) }}
({{ game.point_dimensions[x-1].boughts.format(0) }})
{{ game.time }}
{{ }}
{{ KAIZO.percent < 1 ? formatPercent(KAIZO.percent) : "Click to complete Kaizo" }}
{{ KAIZO.goal.format(0) }}