'Shark Agility' now affects the base of Shark Level's Prestige Shard bonus at a reduced rate.
Require: 10,000,000 Prestige Shard
Not Purchased
Effect: +0.41
Pacific Ocean
Corals: 0 Effect: ??? Depth: 0m / 10,935m
Welcome to the Solar System! So, you are free to explore some planet, but it requires observing for powerful rewards. Force a singularity reset, resetting evolution tree (it returns after), but black hole’s reduction is forced to ^0.5, post-singularity features will not work, and you cannot explore any ocean. You can generate observatories in the space-base, which helps you progress faster with their upgrades. There is difficulty, it affects not progress, but the space-base features to make progress further. Let’s start with Moon of the Earth! It’s called Luna, but Theta, originally before the collision.
You must complete observing to reveal the reward.
Total Observatories Goal: ???
You have ??? placeholder.
Amount: e123,456,789
Experience: 0 (+0/s) Next amount at experience: ???
Nucleobase Boosts:
Shark Tier 111 required to unlock.
Deep Blue Ocean
Score: ???
Magmatic fragments are raised by 0.5 to the exponent^2, Core temperature is set to log(x).
You have 0 (+0.00/s) Blue Algae.